Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rocks Paper Scissors

     I'm really getting into this watercolor collage business! As I was playing with the cut-outs yesterday I thought, "I'm going to recreate a huge landscape out of all these pieces!" I then set out to recreate with collage a photograph I had taken and I realized it was becoming more and more boring as I went along. I disassembled the piece and decided just to put it together the way it felt best - I left it up to the individual paper rocks and flowers to dictate their own destiny and here's what I came up with:
 Here's a detail of the little guy in the background. I don't think I'll glue the pieces down - I like that it looks temporary - somehow that implies movement to me.

    Moral of the art story? Let yourself play. Some of the best advice I received from a teacher: paint yourself a surprise!

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