Monday, January 7, 2013

If an artist paints in the woods does anybody see it?

"Serena", watercolor, 10" x 13", 2013
                                                               click here to bid on ebay

Dear Artists and Art Lovers,
     Some mornings I wake up and I feel inconsequential (melodrama alert!). My inner dialogue goes something like this:

"Good morning, self! Crap. It's raining again. Go figure - it's Seattle. Time to get ready for another day of painting! But does my work really mean anything? I mean, does it say anything? Does it need to say something? What if by saying nothing I am saying something? If an artist paints in the woods and nobody sees it is it still visible? Maybe I should get more conceptual. Maybe I should build a huge installation piece about the mistreatment of women using only tampons. Maybe I should go back to painting classical portraiture because everyone gets it. Blah, blah, blah, on and on and on......."

This mental anxiety goes on until, ironically, I start painting :)

Here's where I do my creatin' - our little house in the big woods.

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