Friday, February 1, 2013

Teenage Wildlife and Artsy Drivel

     Several years ago (three to be exact) I was in graduate school at the New York Academy of Art. NYAA is dedicated to the study of the human figure in classical art. I had already spent almost three years prior to this at the Aristides Classical Atelier in Seattle learning to draw and paint in the tradition of Ingres; in fact if you were to make an artist family tree, my peers and myself could trace our artistic ancestry back to Ingres and even Michelangelo!

"Teenage Wildlife" Cecily Brown

     Anyway, back to NYAA....after all those years of classical art technique I discovered a few painters that changed my life. Probably the most important was Cecily Brown. It was a new way of looking at the figure in art; figures not fully rendered yet very sensual, expressive, and somehow more real to me than figures painted realistically.
     I still am trying to figure out where to go with my work - I am no longer a realist, however my work isn't entirely abstracted either. Am I an illustrator? Am I a portrait painter? My most sincere wish is that my paintings communicate in the way Cecily's do: viscerally and emotionally.

"Kate"  5"x6.25"
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