Tuesday, February 19, 2013


"Bright Eyes"
watercolor 9"x12"

                                                        click here to make me yours

     Yesterday I watched the 1990's version of, "Great Expectations", with Gwyneth Paltrow, Anne Bancroft, Robert DeNiro, and Ethan Hawke. I must say that Ethan Hawke is not 'great' at all in the role (the man has only one facial expression), Anne Bancroft and Robert DeNiro are both amazing, and Gywneth Paltrow as Estella is beautiful as always.
     But this is not why I watched the movie. I watched it for the sets: the deteriorating mansion and gardens of Miss Havisham,  Finn's art show scene which was filmed in the school I attended in NYC - the New York Academy of Art, and the scene in the restaurant, Kelly and Ping's of Soho, where I have eaten several times (a note to diners: don't eat here- it's good, but not as good as Noodle Village in China Town. Have the Devil Ramen and thank me later).
     However, the sets are only part of the reason why I watched this film again. The REAL reason is the art work of Francesco Clemente. All the art made by Finn in the movie was provided by Mr. Clemente and it is sooooooo inspiring, magical, imaginative, and possesses a freedom that I aspire to in my own work. Here are a couple examples of his work......

 "If you cling, it's over. It's important to let the narrative of life unfold without clinging, without attachment, without making it die on you."  -Francesco Clemente

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